I’ve got my last Halloween themed recipe for the year for you! It’s been a busy time for seasonal recipes around here on Tried and Tasty, I’m usually not that with it, but excited that I was this year and got my act together before the holiday! This recipe was originally posted on Super Healthy Kids in September and I couldn’t wait to share it here with you! We finally have plans (in the last few posts I’ve told you how were’ going to pretend we aren’t home). Well looks like we actually won’t be home! Good news is we don’t have to pretend. Ha. We’re terrible. We’re not really terrible, but when you haven’t grown up celebrating the holiday it’s actually just another day for you. I started a health challenge on Monday (today begins day 4) and so far I am LOVING it! The goal is not to eat sweets so I’m going to plow through this weekend and not look back – think I can do it? I’ve made it all week without being tempted so I think I’ll be fine!
So how about this parfait huh? Let’s chat a little bit. What’s all the hub bub about candy corn? Here’s the lowdown I got from my good friend Wikipedia: “Candy corn is a candy most often found in the United States and Canada, popular primarily around Halloween. The three colors of the candy – a broad yellow end, a tapered orange center, and a pointed white tip – mimic the appearance of kernels of corn. Each piece is approximately three times the size of a real kernel from a ripe or dried ear.” Here’s where it really got good: “Candy corn is made primarily from sugar, corn syrup, confectioners wax, artificial coloring and binders.”
Pretty much if I were you I wouldn’t want to touch that candy with a 10 foot pole (my dear Grandmother used to always use that phrase, I think of her every time I say it and smile!). But in all seriousness: don’t. Just don’t. INSTEAD I bring you a super delicious twist on the ‘ole candy corn phenomenon! Three ingredients: pineapple, cantaloupe, cottage cheese. Yes, yes and SO much yes! You can add this to your holiday party and not feel an ounce of guilt serving it to your guests!
- Here are some benefits (that I found in my research: here) of pineapple. Did you know that according to the FDA, pineapple contains 1/2 of the daily-recommended value of vitamin C? The fruit also contains nearly 75 percent of the daily-recommended value of the mineral manganese, which is essential in developing strong bones and connective tissue! Interestingly enough, pineapples can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration (which is a disease that affects the eyes as people age) due in part to its high amount of vitamin C and the antioxidants it contains. Additionally, like many other fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains dietary fiber, which is essential in keeping you regular and in keeping your intestines healthy! Woot woo!
- Here are some benefits (that I found in my research: here) of cantaloupe. The high water content of cantaloupe helps ward off dehydration and combat the heat while their cool & refreshing taste provides a guilt-free, low maintenance dessert for both kids and adults alike. You may be surprised to learn that the antioxidant zeaxanthin, found in cantaloupe, filters out harmful blue light rays and is thought to play a protective role in eye health and possibly ward off damage from macular degeneration (paired with the pineapple you’ve got a match made in heaven! The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline content in cantaloupe all support heart health.
- Here are some benefits (that I found in my research: here) of cottage cheese. Check out this superstar line-up of benefits! The health benefits of cottage cheese include weight loss, a good supply of protein, B complex vitamins and healthy fats, and a reduced risk of breast cancer. Not only that, but cottage cheese is also a good source of various minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and selenium which all play vital roles in many of the body functions. Some trace elements found in cottage cheese include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, selenium, and zinc. Holy moly!With the trio combined, you MUST make this! Heck, you can make it all year round if you’d like – your body certainly won’t mind!
Items used in this post:
Healthy Candy Corn Parfait
Halloween doesn't have to be all about sugar loaded sweets and treats. Enjoy this delicious, easy & healthy way to celebrate Halloween with only 3 ingredients - a Candy Corn Parfait!
- 1/2 c. pineapple tidbits
- 1/2 c. diced cantaloupe
- 1/2 c. cottage cheese
In a small glass, layer pineapple first, followed by cantaloupe and finish it off with cottage cheese.